The West Maui Taxpayers Association is conducting a survey focused on understanding the opinions and attitudes of community members who currently live or work in West Maui and where they would like to see housing built for their families.
Participation in the “West Maui Affordable Housing Survey” is anonymous and voluntary, with the survey closing for submissions on Friday, April 2, 2021.
“It’s already been proven that affordable housing is needed,” said WMTA representatives.
The community association’s press release announcement stated that survey’s mission is:
“To have the West Maui Community Plan, WMCP, reflect the opinions and direction the West Maui residents and employees believe are important which will encourage affordable mixed-use development in West Maui areas of Olowalu and Launiupoko”.
The West Maui Affordable Housing Survey is made possible by the West Maui Taxpayers Association, a nonprofit community association that has been advocating for West Maui for over 40 years, to gather the voices of the community on affordable housing in West Maui.
“We are seeking the input of parents, neighbors, small business owners, visitor industry staff and more to help us collectively inform decision makers of what the residents need for a safe and healthy community (part of the WMTA mission since the beginning),” according to the nonprofit.