Maui News

Maui police launch Labor Day impaired driving enforcement campaign

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Impaired Driving Awareness Checkpoint. File PC: Wendy Osher

Maui police have launched an impaired driving enforcement campaign that will continue through the holiday weekend. The departmentʻs Traffic Division will conduct sobriety checkpoints and saturation patrols at various locations as part of the effort.

Police say motorists can expect the department to take a zero-tolerance approach to impaired driving. The effort is aimed at promoting voluntary compliance with all traffic laws and reducing motor vehicle crashes on Mauiʻs roadways.

The Maui Police Department OUI Task Force Unit is also asking for the public’s assistance and offered the following tips:

  • Plan a safe way home before you start celebrating.
  • Before drinking, designate a sober driver and give them your keys before going out.
  • If you have been drinking, utilize a car service, take a taxi, or call a sober friend or family member to get you home safely.
  • If you see an impaired driver on the road, call the Maui Police Department to report it. You could save a life.
  • Don’t let friends or family members drive under the influence.   If you know someone who is about to drive while impaired, be a true friend and take their keys. Help them make other arrangements to get to where they are going safely.


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