Hāna Metals and Recycling Event Set for March 5-7
The County of Maui Department of Environmental Management will conduct a metals and electronics recycling event for East Maui residents from 8 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. March 5 through 7 at the Hāna Landfill.
Metal items accepted include large appliances, up to 15 auto tires per household, auto batteries, propane tanks and scrap metals. Appliances accepted include refrigerators, freezers, air-conditioning units, water coolers, washers, dryers, dishwashers, ranges/stoves and water heaters. Electronic items accepted include computers, keyboards, monitors, printers and TVs.
For more information about metals drop-offs or businesses that would like to participate in this event for a fee, call Refrigerant Recycling Inc. at (808) 351-3504.
For more information about computer drop-offs, call the county E-cycling hotline at (808) 280-6460. For other information about this event, call the County Abandoned Vehicles and Metals Office at (808) 270-8217.