Kamole Water Treatment Plant Shutdown Scheduled
By Wendy Osher
The Maui Department of Water Supply plans to shut down the Kamole Water Treatment Plant for two weeks, beginning this weekend.
The shutdown will allow contractors to install new pumps with high efficiency motors, to replace the old pumps that were installed in 1976.
The WTP will stop operations on Sunday afternoon, March 3 so that work may begin on Monday, March 4; however, there should be no interruption in water service to customers, authorities say.
Anticipated completion of the project is slated for Friday, March 15, 2013.
During the scheduled shutdown, customers in Lower Kula, Makawao, Pukalani, and Haliimaile are asked to conserve water.
Jacky Takakura, Administrative Officer for the Maui Department of Water Supply, said the $2.76 million capital improvement project includes replacement of the booster pumps and related piping, valves and equipment that are used to pump water from the Kamole WTP in Haliimaile to the Makawao and Pukalani areas.
In addition, the booster pumps are used to pump water up to the Lower and Upper Kula water systems during times of drought.
The US Environmental Protection Agency awarded the Department of Water Supply a $1 million grant for the project; in addition, the Hawaii State Department of Health provided a loan of approximately $2 million from the Safe Drinking Water State Revolving Loan Fund.
Customers are asked to call the Department of Water Supply’s 24-hour service line at 270-7633, only if a water problem occurs.