County to Restrict Overnight Access to Kanahā Park Starting Nov. 1

Kanahā, Maui Now image.
The County of Maui Department of Parks and Recreation will be implementing its plan to restrict overnight vehicle access to Kanahā Park starting Nov. 1, 2016. This will include the use of newly installed gates on the west side of the park on Amala Place, and also at Kaʻa Street, which will be locked overnight.
The gates will be locked while the park is closed, between 8 p.m. to 6 a.m., seven days a week. This means that all vehicles must be removed from the park before closing, otherwise vehicles will be towed.
The new gates and overnight closures are in response to multiple complaints from the public regarding drunken and disorderly conduct, drug offenses and assaults, which are reported daily and after hours to Maui police.
Prior to reaching the decision to lock the gates county parks officials met with a users groups such as fishermen, windsurfers and others to discuss options.
“I think after all of the meetings our users realized we need to take these steps to make the park safer for everyone,” said Parks and Recreation Director Kaala Buenconsejo. “I think people will start to notice the difference right away. And we do plan to work with our user groups to make sure they have access for their activities.”
The overnight park closure is part of a coordinated park clean-up/master planning effort by the parks department, Department of Environmental Management, Maui Police Department, State Department of Land and Natural Resources, State Department of Transportation and Kahului Airport Police.