Maui Discussion

Ask the Mayor: What’s Being Done About Homeless in North Kīhei?

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Mayor Alan Arakawa answers some of the most-asked questions submitted to his staff.

Aloha Mayor,

Q: There seems to have been an increase in homeless activity at the vacant lot behind Uilani’s (Old Suda Store) in North Kīhei. There has not been a chain blocking the Uwapo Road entrance in nearly eight months. Traffic entering and leaving the area occurs at all hours of the day. Myself and other residents of Kīhei Villages are awakened throughout the night by the traffic, noise, and other activity occurring within the area. Parents in our community no longer feel comfortable allowing their children to walk up the street for shave ice or even wait at the bus stop by themselves. The activity allowed to happen in this area is unfair to those of us who live nearby, work hard and pay our taxes.

A: Thanks to your letter we are now aware of the situation and have contacted the property owner, who has since placed a gate on this property and is actively cleaning it out as we speak. Maui police tagged several abandoned vehicles as part of this clean-up and they will be towed away on this coming Tuesday. Mahalo again for reporting this.


Want to ask the Mayor? Submit your own questions about County of Maui programs, services, operations or policies to Mayor Alan Arakawa at, (808) 270-7855 or mail them to 200 S. High St., 9th Floor, Wailuku, HI 96793.

Questions submitted will be considered for inclusion in the “Ask the Mayor” column.


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