Ka’apuni Update: Day 2, 36 Hours Into Walk: Sunday 2/22/09 12:20 p.m.
KA’APUNI UPDATE: 2/22/09 SUNDAY 11:32 a.m.
This is your Ka’apuni update for Sunday afternoon, February 22nd—the torch lit procession for unity in the Native Hawaiian Community is half-way through a second day of walking the island of Maui. Shortly before noon the marchers were entering the town of Huelo 20 miles east of Kahului.
Earlier today, marchers stopped at the Kuau Store for coffee and breakfast. The procession is now well into the windy portion of the Hana Highway and has hopes of attracting marchers from various districts to relieve many of the Lahaina crew that continued to carry the torch for the first leg and much of day 2.
Communication is limited at this time and the next update will be provided this evening. Approaching and passing Motorists are reminded to be aware of the passing escort vehicles and procession and are advised to use extra caution for the safety of those on the road and on foot.
The Ka’apuni E Ho’a Kukui O Na Moku `Aina began at midnight Friday at Moku’ula in West Maui. The procession is in day 2 of the estimated 6-day 193-mile journey around the island of Maui.
Those interested in joining the Ka’apuni should contact Ke’eaumoku or `Ui Kapu at 250-1479.
(Photos & Story by Wendy OSHER © 2009 Text Update by Mahina Martin. Time: @ 6:30 p.m. 2/22/09. Images on this site are the property of the Ka’apuni and can not be used or reproduced without the expressed written consent of the Pacific Radio Group/MauiNOW.com News Department.)