2010 Real Property Assessment Notices Mailed to Owners
The County of Maui mailed out real property assessment notices that show the taxable value of land. The notice also shows the value of improvements, the amount of allowed exemptions, the classification assigned to the property, and the net taxable value of the property.
Property owners are encouraged to carefully review the document and contact the Division by phone at (808) 270-7297 if they have any questions. If a property owner disagrees with the assessment, they can file an appeal by Friday, April 9, 2010 with the Board of Review or the Tax Appeal Court.
The assessment notice is not a bill. The first half installment for the 2010-2011 Fiscal Year will be mailed on or before July 20, 2010.
To view assessment information online visit: www.mauipropertytax.com.
(Posted by Wendy Osher; Information Courtesy County of Maui)