900 feet of Honoapiilani Highway proposed for shoreline Protection
Posted by Wendy Osher
The state Department of Transportation is proposing a shoreline protection project for a 900-foot stretch of the Honoapiilani Highway between Launiupoko Point and Hekili Point. The portion of Highway was declared a Traffic Emergency Zone by the Governor in January 2009, allowing the DOT to initiate and undertake shoreline protection of the area.
Coastline erosion and wave action have impacted the area, resulting in the relocation of the roadway inland. Today, approximately 900 feet of the Honoapiilani Highway is endangered by erosion of the fronting shoreline.
Site work related to the shoreline protection involves the placement of large boulders and geo-textile fabric along the shoreline slope, the filling of rock under the large boulders, widening of the existing road shoulder, the extension of an existing 30-inch drain-line that crosses beneath the roadway and outlets to the ocean, and the installation of jersey crash barriers, as warranted.
Boulder fill is expected to provide protection from seasonal high surf and the infrequent waves from passing hurricanes and other severe storms, and will replace the existing cobble shoreline with a boulder slope.
The Final Environmental Assessment has been accepted and is available online at: http://oeqc.doh.hawaii.gov/Shared%20Documents/Environmental_Notice/current_issue.pdf.