No Firecracker Sales on Maui, Novelty Sale Starts June 29
By Wendy Osher
Local retailers on Maui have decided not to sell permit firecrackers for the upcoming 4th of July holiday. They will however, be selling novelty items including sparklers, snakes, fountains and cylindrical or cone fountains that emit effects of 12-feet or less. Sale of the consumer fireworks begins on Wednesday June 29, 2011.
Because there are no local retailers selling permit firecrackers in Maui County, the Maui Department of Fire and Public Safety will not not be issuing permits for firecracker use.
A partial fireworks ban went into effect in O’ahu on January 2nd, 2011. The ban put an end to novelty items like sparklers and paperless firecrackers in Honolulu, but allows for the purchase of $25 permits to buy up to 5,000 firecrackers for specified holidays and celebrations. Here on Maui, novelty items and paperless firecrackers are still permissible.
The public is reminded that there is an eight hour window for legal fireworks use on the 4th of July. Fireworks can legally be set off between the hours of 1 and 9 p.m. only, on July 4, 2011.
Officials with the Fire Prevention Bureau on Maui say violators of the law are subject to fines of up to $2,000 for setting off fireworks outside of designated time. The importation and sale of aerial fireworks is also illegal, and is considered a Class C Felony.
Fire Prevention authorities say it is unlawful to remove or extract pyrotechnic contents, or to throw any ignited fireworks from a moving vehicle. It is also unlawful to set off fireworks within 1,000 feet of health care facilities and facilities for animals or within 500 feet of a hotel without a permit. Authorities say it is unlawful to set off fireworks near schools, on public roads, in County parks, at County facilities, cane fields, or places of worship.
In addition to usage restrictions, it is unlawful for any person to sell or give any fireworks to minors, and for any minors to possess, purchase, set off, ignite or otherwise explode any fireworks, except that which parents or guardians may allow them to use while under the immediate supervision and control of an adult.
The Maui Fire Department offered the following Safety Tips:
- Fireworks can be dangerous, causing serious burns and eye injuries.
- Sparklers burn at temperatures of 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit and should not be given to young children.
- Older children should only use fireworks under the direct supervision of an adult.
- Always read and follow all warnings and instructions listed by the manufacturer for the safe use and handling of fireworks.
- Make sure you have a clear, flat area to use the fireworks; away from structures, dry grass or brush, or other readily ignitable materials.
- Have a water hose or bucket of water readily available in case of a fire.
The County issued a media advisory this afternoon saying, “The best way to stay safe is not to use fireworks at all,” leaving them instead for professionals to handle.
This year there is one public fireworks display scheduled at 8 p.m. on the 4th of July, from a barge offshore of Front Street in Lahaina. Front Street will be closed to vehicle traffic during the fireworks display, which is scheduled to last about 10 minutes.
*** Supporting information courtesy, County of Maui.