Maui Democrats Rally Days Before General Election

Governor Neil Abercrombie competes in a ball toss at the Democratic Grand Rally. Courtesy photo, Troy Hashimoto.
By Maui Now Staff
An estimated 500 people attended a Maui Democratic Party rally at the Maui Tropical Plantation on Saturday afternoon.
The event was held 10 days prior to the general election, which will take place on Tuesday, Nov. 6th.
The event included appearances from Governor Neil Abercrombie and Lt. Governor Brian Schatz who flew in for the gathering.
Event attendees say the rally was organized to boost community member support around candidates who are members of the Democratic Party and will appear on the general election ballot.
Speakers reminded voters to cast ballots including votes in the presidential race.

Cartoon characters entertain the audience at the Maui Democratic Grand Rally on Saturday, October 27, 2012. Photo courtesy, Troy Hashimoto.
National Sierra Club President Allison Chin introduced US Senate candidate and Congresswoman Mazie Hirono as the keynote speaker of the afternoon.
“We have 10 days to go and as you heard, nothing could be more important than this election for the future of our country. The stakes are extremely high, especially for Hawaii,” said Hirono.
Hirono faces Republican Linda Lingle in the US Senate race for long-time Senator Daniel Akaka’s seat.
The event was coordinated by the Democratic Party of Maui.

US Senate candidate and Congresswoman Mazie K. Hirono addressing families and well-wishers at the Grand Rally. Photo courtesy, Troy Hashimoto.