Kula Maui Bus Route to Start in New Year
By Wendy Osher
The Maui Bus will begin daily service in Kula in the new year.
The Kula Villager route #39 will launch on January 1, 2013. It will begin at 7 a.m. on Pukalani Street near the Hannibal Tavares Community Center, and go as far as Rice Park.
The Kula Villager route will loop in and out of portions of Lower Kula Road, and serve 17 bus stops along the way, with daily service continuing until 8 p.m.
Bus fares for the route are $2 per boarding, and $4 for a daily pass, with monthly passes also available.
“Our Maui Bus continues to be one of the fastest growing public transportation systems in the nation,” said Mayor Alan Arakawa in a media statement on Thursday. “The Maui Bus is a great alternative mode of transportation for our residents and this new route is part of our further commitment towards a more robust public transit system for Maui County.”
County of Maui Department of Transportation Director Jo Anne Johnson Winer noted that adjustments and stop modifications will made based on ridership on the new route. “We may need to expand service as demand increase,” she said.
The Kula Villager bus schedule and map are available on the County of Maui website at www.mauicounty.gov/bus.