Operation SPEED to Enforce Traffic Laws on Maui Roads

Speed Enforcement Team officers along Kahului Beach Road during a previous speed enforcement campaign. File photo, Wednesday, Jan. 19, 2011. Photo by Wendy Osher.
By Wendy Osher
Maui police will be increasing speeding enforcement, education and patrols during a week-long campaign that runs from July 22-26 on all major Maui roadways, police said.
Maui Police Traffic Department Sgt. William Hankins said the objective of the Operation SPEED campaign is to get people to “slow down, drive smart and to hang up their phones.”
In addition to speeding citations, police will also be enforcing rules regarding the use of seat belts and the ban on cell phones while driving.
Under the newly passed Act 74, officials say drivers are required to appear in court for the use of a cell phone or mobile electronic device while driving.
Sgt. Hankins explained that if motorists have a prior violation on record, the fines go up. Since officers have no way of accessing the information in the field, motorists will have to appear in court to face fines for such violations.
According to Sgt. Hankins, officers from the Traffic Division as well as units from Wailuku, Kīhei and Lahaina Patrol will be focusing enforcement efforts on the Kūihelani, Haleakalā, Honoapiʻilani, Piʻilani, Hāna and Mokulele Highways.
The fines for driving over the speed limit are: $122 for driving 11 mph over the limit; $142 for driving 15 mph over the limit; and $167 for driving 20 mph over the limit.
According to Maui police, motorists that are caught driving 30 mph or more over the posted speed limit face a mandatory court appearance. The violation is considered a criminal offense under excessive speeding laws.