Governor: TMT Construction “Timeout Extension” Continues
By Maui Now Staff
Governor David Ige today issued a statement saying that construction of the controversial Thirty Meter Telescope or “TMT” atop Mauna Kea will continue to be postponed.
This is the second time that the Governor has announced a “timeout extension” following ongoing demonstrations blocking access to the construction site, teach-ins, and walkout events across the state.
His full statement, issued on Friday afternoon, April 17, 2015 is posted below:

Image Courtesy:, An artist’s concept showing the segmented primary mirror, which has 492 hexagonal segments arranged into an f/1 hyperboloidal mirror. Courtesy image.
Statement by Governor David Ige regarding Thirty Meter Telescope Construction
April 17, 2015
Today, the Thirty Meter Telescope leadership informed me that construction will continue to be postponed. Any further announcements about the construction schedule will come from TMT.
My understanding is that TMT followed an almost seven year planning and permitting process, which included public hearings and community input. Following this process, project permits were issued. The TMT team is legally entitled to use its discretion to proceed with construction.
I understand that not everyone will agree with this and recognize and respect their right to appeal through the court system.
We have used this time to listen and learn about Maunakea from various stakeholders. I learned about other issues that need our attention to create and implement a better plan for the stewardship of Maunakea. This may include:
- Decommissioning and removing older telescopes and facilities to restore the summit
- Reducing the level of activity on the summit
- Integrating culture and science
My administration will be working with the University of Hawai‘i, the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, and the community to actively pursue these outcomes.