Termination of Emergency Proclamation for Hurricane Lester

Termination of Emergency Proclamation for Hurricane Lester
Hurricane Lester has cleared the Hawaiian Islands and all of the related surf and flood warnings and advisories have been lifted. As of 8 a.m. this morning, Acting Mayor Keith Regan issued a Termination of Emergency Proclamation.
Maui County did experience some effects from Lester. Baldwin Beach Park will remain closed today while workers clean up debris and damage. Hana Bay is reopened.
“Hurricane season isn’t over yet although I am pleased that this storm passed us by without too many ill effects,” said Managing Director Keith Regan. “We must remain vigilant always, because the next storm may not be so gentle.”
“County, State, Federal and Non-governmental partners worked closely throughout the week as we prepared to respond and recover first from Madeline and then Lester,” said Maui County Emergency Management Officer Anna Foust. “We are very fortunate that awe didn’t have execute our plans, and are in a better starting position for the next storms that may come in our direction throughout the rest of this hurricane season.”
If you experienced any storm related damages, please submit a damage report at www.mauicounty.gov. Additionally, the public may call Civil Defense with any questions or concerns, at 270-7285.