Hāna Homeowner Extinguishes Fire Early Sunday

Hāna structure fire. Maui Now graphic.
A homeowner in Hāna extinguished a fire in the bedroom of their one-story home before fire crews arrived early Sunday morning, Oct. 9, 2016.
The incident was reported at 1:45 a.m. at a home on the Hāna Highway near Waikoloa in East Maui.
Fire crews arrived at 2:05 a.m., and were informed by the homeowner that the fire was already extinguished.
Fire officials say emergency crews had trouble locating the correct address because of a poor cell phone connection with the caller.
According to department reports, an occupant of the home heard a strange popping sound coming from the other side of the house and went to investigate. They discovered a fire in one of the bedrooms and went outside to shoot water into the window with a garden hose. Another garden hose was used to extinguish the fire from the inside after flames had been knocked down.
The fire caused an estimated $5,000 in damage to the structure and $1,000 in damage to the contents.