Senator Hirono Honors Park with Centennial Resolution
US Senator Mazie Hirono today will present Haleakalā NP a resolution commemorating the park’s Centennial. The presentation will take place at 10 a.m. on Monday, Nov. 21, just outside the Haleakalā Visitor Center, which is located on the crater rim at the 9741-foot elevation.
After the presentation she will plant `āhinahina (silverswords) with fourth grade students from Kula Elementary School to further commemorate the 2016 Centennial celebrations of both Haleakalā National Park and the National Park Service.
Throughout 2016, students in the fourth through eighth grades from several Maui schools, as well as students from the Horticulture Certification Program at UH Maui College, have been planting `āhinahina (silverswords) in the park. By today, they will have planted 1,043 of the federally threatened plants, greatly augmenting at-risk populations.
“We are honored to accept the Senator’s Centennial resolution,” said park superintendent Natalie Gates. “We are also pleased that Senator Hirono will join young local stewards in planting keiki `āhinahina.”
Since February, the following schools have participated in the plantings: Montessori Hale O Keiki, Seabury Hall, Kamehameha Schools, Kalama Intermediate School, Haleakalā Waldorf School, Carden Academy, and the Pukalani, Makawao, and Kula elementary schools.

Hirono plants silverswords with local students.

Hirono presents park staff with centennial resolution.

Staff present Hirono with painting.

Students planting silverswords at Haleakalā.

Students planting silverswords at Haleakalā.

Silversword outplanting. Photo credit: Haleakalā National Park.