Pā‘ia Trade Center: Finding of No Significant Impact
A single family residence located at 150 Luna Place in Pāʻia, is being proposed for transformation into a commercial building.

Pāʻia Trade Center. PC: Chris Hart & Partners Inc via FEA/FONSI. Source: Google Earth.
The applicant, Vintage Rentals, LLC, proposes to renovate the existing 948 square foot single family residence to a commercial building and had requested a community plan amendment to change the property’s zoning from residential to business/commercial.
The home was constructed in 1951 and is located along Luna Place, on the mauka side of the Hāna Highway.
According to a Final Environmental Assessment, the existing 45-square-foot front porch on the Hāna Highway frontage will be expanded to 80-square-feet to better accommodate foot traffic.

Pāʻia Trade Center. (image at left) Subject parcel, Luna Place, Charley’s, and entrance to public parking lot from Hāna Hwy facing S/SE. (image at right) Hāna Hwy in the vicinity of subject parcel looking SW. PC: Chris Hart & Partners Inc via FEA/FONSI.
The document states that, “Hours of operation will depend on the type of business that will occupy the building. It is expected that will be primarily during daytime business hours, seven days a week. The applicant expects to begin construction within a year of receiving land use building permit approvals and estimates completion within the following 12 months.”
According to a Final Environmental Assessment, the existing garage and storage buildings will be demolished and three parking stalls will be provided along with a sidewalk and new landscape plantings.
The document states that the single floor plantation style building will remain at 948 square feet on post and pier foundation in keeping with the existing residential scale. The main access to the building will be through an 80 square foot porch fronting Hāna Highway.
The County of Maui Department of Planning transmitted the final EA with a Finding of No Significant Impact determination for the parcel, referred to by the applicant as the Pā‘ia Trade Center.