West Maui Community Plan Update Open House
The County of Maui Department of Planning hosts a community open house to display feedback gathered during the 2017 community engagement effort for the update of the West Maui Community Plan. The open house will be held on Saturday, Jan. 20, 2018, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the West Maui Senior Center at 788 Pauoa Street in Lahaina.
The public is invited to drop by to view the summary of community feedback provided through questionnaires, public meetings, interviews, site visits, workshop activities and the We Are West Maui website.
County officials say “the open house is a great opportunity for the public to see what fellow community members are concerned about and value most when planning for West Maui’s future.” At the open house the public can continue to provide input that will help shape the West Maui Community Plan.
More information about the West Maui Community Plan update is at www.wearemaui.org. For general planning information, visit www.mauicounty.gov/planning.
The West Maui Community Plan guides future growth in West Maui, and is the first of Maui Island’s six community-specific plans to be updated since County Council adopted the Maui Island Plan in 2012. The existing West Maui Community Plan was adopted in 1996. The update process involves numerous community meetings and workshops followed by the formation of a Community Plan Advisory Committee, which will review a draft updated plan and provide recommendations. The Maui Planning Commission will then review the draft plan and provide recommendations to the Maui County Council, which ultimately adopts the plan.