Sheriff Impersonation Phone Scam Warning

Phone Scam alert. Maui Now Graphic.
Recent Sheriff impersonator scam incidents have prompted the State Sheriff Division to put out a reminder warning.
Department officials say impersonators claiming to be deputy sheriffs are calling Hawaiʻi residents to say they missed a court date and Sheriffs are being sent to arrest them. The alleged scammer then states that he accepts payment over the phone, which will cover the costs of court fines.
In three recent cases, the individuals received calls from someone who identified himself as Deputy Walker with the Sheriffs office.
The public is reminded that Sheriffs do not call people about missed court dates or warrants having to do with missing jury duty. They will NEVER ask for personal information or solicit payment over the phone.
Hawaiʻi residents are also advised not to provide credit card numbers or other personal information to callers claiming to represent a law enforcement agency or the courts.
If you receive a call matching this scam, a report should be made with the sheriff’s division by calling (808) 586-1352.