$4 M in Grants Released by Maui Economic Development Office

Lokahi Pacific project. File image/ Maui Now
“These economic development grants are a vital way that our tax dollars help create jobs and sustain our local economy,” said Mayor Alan Arakawa. “Funds have helped preserve our environment and open space, support our small businesses, and share our host culture with residents and visitors. I’m pleased to see how far these funds go toward strengthening our community on many levels.”
The list of grantees includes the following:
University of Hawaii, $895,000
Maui Invasive Species Committee
To detect and control high-priority invasive species on Maui and to educate and engage the public on invasive species issues.
Maui Arts & Cultural Center, $400,000
Capital Improvements
Ka`ehu, $87,000
Ka`ehu Management Project
Funds go toward improving infrastructure in the Ke`ehu Bay parcel.
Maui Economic Development Board, Inc., $75,000
Conference Services
Funds the Maui Energy Conference, EVOhana, and the Hawaii Small Business Conference.
Japanese Cultural Society, $10,000
Gannenmono is the 150th anniversary of Japanese immigration to Hawaii, with the Kaiwo Maru ship visiting Kahului Harbor in May.
University of Hawaii, $75,000
Funds go toward activities in Maui County in the area of agriculture, youth development and family service.
University of Hawaii, $70,000
Business Research Library
Supports the operations of the Hawaii Small Business Development Center to promote sustainable economic development and to produce the Maui County Data Book.
Maui Arts & Cultural Center, $424,360
Arts in Education
Supports the integration of the arts through education to students and teachers by implementing events and community outreach.
University of Hawaii, $65,000
Leeward Haleakala Watershed Restoration
Funds go toward creating a nursery and seed processing/storage facility to provide an easily obtainable source of native seeds to be used in restoration efforts.
University of Hawaii, $58,000
Maui Nui Seabird Recovery
Broadens awareness of seabirds, their habitats, and the threats that endanger them.
Maui Community Theater, $53,045
Iao Theater Restoration
Funding goes toward continued upkeep, restoration, maintenance and custodial tasks for the Historic Iao Theater.
National Tropical Botanical Garden, $50,000
Kahanu Garden
Funds construction of the Kahanu Garden Agriculture Administration Building.
Maui Economic Development Board, Inc., $45,000
Maui High School Automotive Program
The Maui High School Automotive Grant increases student’s interests in automotive technology, including more green environmental transportation.
Maui County Sister Cities Foundation, Inc., $15,000
Sister Cities
Provides support to the Maui County Sister Cities Program.
Lokahi Pacific, $38,000
Small Business Revitalization
Provides microgrants to small businesses on Lanai and Molokai.
Maui Food Technology Center, $35,000
Export Opportunity
Funds allow Maui County Entrepreneurs to participate in one food expo in Japan and provides them with Export Readiness training, technical support, and consultation services.
Maui Arts & Cultural Center, $318,000
Culture and Arts
Supports the economic sustainability of the Maui Arts & Cultural Center’s arts and entertainment programming that employ people locally, contracts local businesses, and promotes tourism.
Lokahi Pacific, $30,000
Wailuku First Friday
Funds Wailuku’s Town Party event.
Nisei Veterans Memorial Center, $7,500
Go for Broke
An exhibit recognizing the 75th anniversary of the famed 442 RCT and the brave men who fought for their country amidst discrimination and racism.
Maui Economic Development Board, Inc., $27,500
Maui Film Festival
An Annual Film Festival in Wailea that celebrates film, culinary arts and Hawaiian Culture.
Lokahi Pacific, $75,000
Lanai Business Development
Funds Lanai’s Fifth Friday Town event and assists in business promotions to increase economic activity for Lanai.
University of Hawaii, $750,000
Coqui Frogs
Funds go toward operations of coqui frog control around the Maliko Gulch.
Kihei 4th Friday, $25,000
Town Party
Funds Kihei’s Town Party event.
Makawao History Museum, $25,000
Infrastructure and Community Engagement
Funds go toward preserving Makawao’s history and culture.
Lanai Academy of Performing Arts, $10,000
Aladdin Jr.
Funds go toward the Lanai Academy of Performing Arts’ production of “Aladdin Jr.”
Kihei Community Association, $24,922
Ahupuaa & River Signs
The project conveys the true meaning of sustainability to visitors and residents through an understanding of the ahupuaa system.
Maui Dance Council, $22,000
Chance to Dance
Funds help with educational residencies that integrate dance with classroom curriculum and are taught by trained teaching artists to students in grades Pre K-6th on Maui, Molokai and Lanai.
Friends of Old Maui High School, $65,000
Campus Maintenance and Preservation
Funds go toward preservation, maintenance and repair of the buildings and grounds at the Old Maui High School campus.
Aha Kukui O Molokai, $20,000
Kulaia Canoe Festivals
A Hawaiian cultural event highlighting outrigger canoe paddling, Hawaiian music, cultural food, and Molokai made products.
Hana Arts, $20,000
Building East Maui’s Economy Through Art
Project encompasses a series of programs aimed at building East Maui’s economy through the Arts, which we aim to achieve by diversifying the employment base of this rural, high-need area.
Hawaii Farm Bureau Federation, $20,000
Molokai 4H Livestock
To provide an opportunity for 4H youth of Molokai to raise livestock.
Hui Noeau, $20,000
Maui Made Holiday Markets
Supports Made on Maui vendors to display and sell locally crafted artwork and products.
Ka Molokai Makahiki, Inc., $20,000
Molokai Makahiki
A two-and-a-half-day cultural event that promotes economic activity.
Hawaii Farmers Union Foundation, $70,000
Farm Apprentice Mentoring Program
The FAM program provides education, skills, and a supporting network to beginning farmers with skills to be successful in their agricultural enterprises.
Lanai Community Association, $20,000
Lanai Pineapple Festival
An annual event during the summer for residents and visitors to celebrate Lanai’s people, history and culture.
Hawaii Farm Bureau Federation, $325,000
Maui County Farm Bureau
Funds are used to improve the viability, promote the diversity, and expand the economy of Maui’s agricultural sector.
East Maui Taro Festival, Inc., $18,000
East Maui Taro Festival
Funds the Annual East Maui Taro Festival, which focuses on taro in an all-day free event.
Maui Chamber of Commerce, $15,085
Small Business Promotion
Funds the Mayor’s Small Business Awards, Hawaii on the Hill, and other events that support small businesses.
Lanai Culture & Heritage Center, $15,000
Puke Kamalii Lanai
Funds go toward publishing a Hawaiian Language children’s book.
Oahu Economic Development Board, $15,000
Hawaii Green Growth
Funds the development of a statewide Green Initiative.
Maui Economic Development Board, Inc., $15,000
Health Sector
Further development and facilitation of the Maui County Health Sector Initiative Action Plan drawn up by the Maui County Healthcare Partnership.
Hawaiian Kamalii, Inc., $10,000
Ocean-Culture & Canoe Rides
An Ocean-Culture program for visitors that presents ancient voyaging Polynesian Culture and gives outrigger canoe rides.
Hula Halau O Molokai, $10,000
Molokai Ka Hula Piko
Honoring the birthplace of Hula through educational workshops provided to the public.
Lokahi Pacific, $10,000
Na Kamehameha Pa`u Parade
Honoring Kamehameha I and his lineage with a parade on Front Street.
Lokahi Pacific, $10,000
Makawao Rodeo Parade
The 53rd Annual Makawao Rodeo Parade is a celebration of Makawao’s colorful Paniolo past, represented with a colorful Hawaiian style Wild West parade.
Youth in Motion, $10,000
Molokai Holokai
Paddling event designed to immerse both the local and visiting communities.
Hana Canoe Club, $9,000
Hana Regatta
The Hana Regatta is an annual two-day outrigger canoe regatta that draws over 1000 people and includes entertainment, food, craft vendors and cultural activities.
Hana Cultural Center, $9,000
Hoolaulea & KOKO LPFM Radio
The Hana Cultural Center hosts an annual Hoolaulea and manages KOKO LPFM Radio in order to raise both community and visitor awareness of their important mission.
Na Mamo O Muolea, $8,000
Muolea Management & Limu Festival
Supports maintenance of the Muolea Point and the Limu Festival in Hana.
Blue Planet Foundation, $7,800
Transit Electrification Research
Data collection and analysis of public transit fleets across Hawaii to compare current operations to potential costs for electrified transportation.
African Americans on Maui, $7,500
Building Cultural Bridges
Funds go toward expanding educational display exhibits, black cultural presentations, arts and entertainment, peaceful legacy of marches, and workshops of the Black experience.
ClimbHI, $3,000
LEI is a workforce development program inspiring Hawaii’s youth to select careers in the Hawaii visitor industry.