Lei Nāhonoapi‘ilani – Songs of West Maui

Lei Nāhonoapiʻilani.
In celebration of newly-released songbook, “Lei Nāhonoapiʻilani: Songs of West Maui,” Maui’s best entertainers, vocalists, musicians, kumu hula, and hālau hula present their collective aloha for the wahi pana (special places) of West Maui, through mele, hula, and storytelling at the Maui Arts and Cultural Center Castle Theater, at 7 p.m. on Sunday, Nov. 3, 2019.
The songbook is a unique look at the stories of West Maui through the lyrics of Hawaiian mele.
Added to the well-known mele of old are newer compositions that touch nearly every ahupua‘a in the West Maui district.
“It’s going to be a sensational celebration of Maui – not only her mele and hula, but the kānaka who bring them to life in aloha ʻāina,” said project co-producer Zachary Lum, one third of the musical group Keauhou.
Bringing these songs to life is a star-studded cast featuring: Amy Hanaiali‘i, Josh Tatofi, Nāpua Greig-Nakasone, Kamaka Kukona, ʻIliahi and Haunani Paredes, Uluwehi Guerrero, Cody Pueo Pata, Kamalei Kawa‘a, Ikaika Blackburn, Office of Hawaiian Affairs Trustee Hulu Lindsey, Mihana Souza, the keiki of Hālau Kekuaokalāʻauʻalaʻiliahi, Hālau Nā Lei Kaumaka o Uka, Hālau o Ka Hanu Lehua, Hālau Hula Kauluokalā and special guests. The festivities will be hosted by Alakaʻi Paleka, with the world premiere of Project Kuleana: Lei Nāhonoapiʻilani.
Each concert ticket also serves as a discount coupon for the purchase of the songbook and the first of two accompanying CDs, featuring the West Maui songs and artists in concert. Proceeds of the project will benefit Nā Leo Kālele, West Maui’s Hawaiian immersion program. Organizers say support of this event, the songbook, and these albums means supporting Hawaiian language revitalization for the keiki of West Maui.
From now until Sept. 29 take advantage of a 20% discount on $25, $35, & $50 tickets. Tickets can be purchased online at mauiarts.org and at the Maui Arts and Cultural Center Box Office.

Lei Nāhonoapi‘ilani – Songs of West Maui