FEMA to Hold Workshop for Maui Businesses
The Federal Emergency Management Agency will host a workshop for businesses interested in contracting to supply needed products and services during federally declared disasters.
FEMA and the Maui Emergency Management Agency prefer that contracts be awarded locally to reinvigorate affected economies after disasters.
According to the agencies, services and products that may be needed during an emergency event include, but are not limited to, generators, cargo vans, dumpsters, temporary labor, tents, janitorial services, heavy equipment, food services, office space and warehouses.
The free workshop will be held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Oct. 21 at the Laulima Building in Room 225 at the University of Hawai`i Maui College.
To register, or for more information, contact emergency.management@mauicounty.gov.