After 12 years of delays with previous developers and plans, Maui Oceanview LP announced it has received unanimous support from the Land Use Commission to approve amendments for the Pulelehua residential project in West Maui.
The decision was made after a last-minute petition to intervene was withdrawn and over two hours of public testimony.
Representatives from Maui Tomorrow, the Maui Hotel and Lodging Association, Hawaiʻi Carpenters Union, West Maui Preservation Association, as well as County councilmembers, community leaders and Lahaina residents testified.
Maui Oceanview LP issued a press release, saying the hearing, held on Dec. 4 and 5 “was a profound contrast to the last LUC meeting in September where the developer received criticism for not engaging with the community more.”
“The directive we gave in September was to extend meaningful community engagement and we agree this has been done,” said Land Use Commission Chair Jonathan Scheuer.
“You came up with quite frankly an awesome settlement agreement,” said Commissioner Dawn Chang. “I applaud the owner who has taken the community to heart, and also the community for being willing to seek balance. At the end of the day it’s all about relationships and what you’ve set forth here is far beyond what we could have expected.”
As a result of the developers outreach and listening sessions, the Pulelehua project now includes 400 affordable rentals and homes – an increase of 120 affordable units from what was presented back in September.
The redesigned site plan increase the number of multi-family rental units and will offer 100 affordable apartments for sale, impose a covenant to ban short-term rentals, and make a commitment to alleviate the affordable unit residents from paying future association fees.
In addition, the developer has committed to contributing to building a trust fund to assist those who need financial help to qualify for an affordable for sale home.
“We are so appreciative of the community members who expressed their needs and desires to shape the plan that we presented today,” said Paul Cheng, President of Maui Oceanview. “We are honored to be a part of the community and are committed to providing housing solutions for local families. We look forward to contributing to this community for decades to come.”
The 310-acre project area sits between the Kapalua Airport and Honoapiʻilani Highway. In addition to 900 units of housing, the mixed-use project will feature 70,000 square feet of retail space, a 10-acre regional sports park, multi community pocket parks, a 13-acre site for a new school and seven miles of walkways and trails.
Pulelehua Receives Unanimous Support from Land Use Commission for West Maui Residential Community. PC: DTL Hawai‘i
Pulelehua Receives Unanimous Support from Land Use Commission for West Maui Residential Community. PC: DTL Hawai‘i
Pulelehua Receives Unanimous Support from Land Use Commission for West Maui Residential Community. PC: DTL Hawai‘i
Pulelehua Receives Unanimous Support from Land Use Commission for West Maui Residential Community. PC: DTL Hawai‘i