Public Meetings to Discuss Hāna Highway Bridge Updates

Kailua Stream Bridge. File photo credit: Hawaiʻi DOT, Highways Division.
The Hawaiʻi Department of Transportation will host a series of public meetings to discuss a project to improve six of the historic bridges along the Hāna Highway (Route 360), located between Huelo and Hāna town.
The bridges include Kailua Stream Bridge (Mile Post [MP] 5.9), Makanali Stream Bridge (MP 8.2), Puohokamoa Stream Bridge (MP 11.0), Kopiliula Stream Bridge (MP 21.7), Ulaino Stream Bridge (MP 27.9), and Mokulehua Stream Bridge (MP 28.3).
Officials say the project would improve these bridges in a context-sensitive manner so they remain safe and functional for highway users.
Overarching goals for the project were developed through an earlier planning process for all bridges on the route. The six bridges now being studied in more detail have been identified by HDOT as high priority for improvements.
The project is currently in the environmental compliance and preliminary engineering phase.
These meetings are being held to gather input and support the environmental process and consultation under the National Environmental Policy Act and Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act.
Here is a schedule of the upcoming meetings:
Tuesday, Jan. 14, 2020
5 p.m. at the Hāna Community Center
5091 Uakea Road, Hāna
Wednesday, Jan. 15, 2020
5 p.m. at the Keʻanae Congregational Church (on Keanae Peninsula)
13705 Hāna Highway, Keʻanae
Thursday, Jan. 16, 2020
5 p.m. at the Pāʻia Community Center
Hāna Highway, Pāʻia
Information will be shared at the meeting on the project and environmental process. Public input will be gathered regarding the project purpose and need, design considerations, and preliminary alternative concepts. HDOT and FHWA encourage community members to attend to provide input on this important project.
For more information on the Hana Highway Bridge Improvements project, click here to view the public meeting flyer.
Those unable to attend the meetings can provide input through the project website or by contacting the project manager, Mr. Michael Will, via email to or by telephone at (720) 963-3647.
Those who need an auxiliary aid/service or other accommodation due to a disability can contact Andrew Hirano via email to or by telephone at 808 692-7546 as soon as possible. Requests made as early as possible will allow adequate time to fulfill your request.