Hotels for Heroes Provides 192 First Responders and Health Care Workers on Maui
Hotels for Heroes Provides Nearly 1,000 Rooms So Far
The statewide Hotels for Heroes program is providing complimentary rooms for health care workers and first responders during the COVID-19 crisis.
Since the program started on Monday, April 6, at least 192 rooms were booked through the program in Maui County. Statewide, nearly 1,000 rooms are being used including: 563 on O‘ahu; 151 on Hawai‘i Island; and 17 on Kaua‘i.
The program was developed under a partnership between the Hawai‘i Tourism Authority, the Hawai‘i Visitors and Convention Bureau and the Hawai‘i Lodging and Tourism Association, with state tourism dollars being used to pay for these hotel rooms.
Under the program, various hotels are opening their rooms up for healthcare workers to give them respite during the pandemic, while providing protection for their families. Hilton Raethel, the President and CEO of the healthcare group said, “Our healthcare workers put themselves on the front line every day and not just during this crisis. We appreciate the cooperation of the lodging industry and the true aloha spirit this shows.”