Mālama Maui Nui to Launch “Get the Drift and Bag It!” Cleanup Campaign
Mālama Maui Nui is hosting their annual “Get the Drift and Bag It!” cleanup campaign from Sept. 19 to Oct. 3 in partnership with the Ocean Conservancy. The cleanup campaign aims to empower and mobilize Maui residents in their environmental stewardship of the island community.
To participate in this campaign, community members and partners can register for an Individual/Solo or Quaranteam cleanup at MalamaMauiNui.org/GetTheDrift. Team Leaders choose the location, create a disposal plan, and contribute data. Mālama Maui Nui provides the tools & support needed for cleanup events.
Group cleanups of 10 or fewer people is recommended for members of the same household or workplace.
Individual/Solo cleanups are recommended for community members at high risk for illness or who prefer an independent activity.
This campaign is in partnership with Ocean Conservancy’s International Coastal Cleanup campaign, which mobilizes communities around the globe to host cleanups, collect litter data, and support science-based solutions for a healthy earth and it’s oceans. Mālama Maui Nui has participated in the initiative for more than three decades.
Visit MalamaMauiNui.org/GetTheDrift for more information and to register for a cleanup.