2021 Lāna‘i Axis Deer Hunting Season Canceled

PC: Hawai’i DLNR
The DLNR Division of Forestry and Wildlife announced the cancellation of the 2021 Lāna‘i Axis Deer season due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. DOFAW officials say they have determined that cancellation of the hunt is in the best interest of public safety.
DOFAW is planning to implement a combination Mouflon Sheep/Axis Deer season in the summer or fall of 2021, pending the status of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Information and updates on the Mouflon Sheep/Axis Deer combination hunt will be posted on the DOFAW webpage in the spring of 2021.
Hunters seeking further information may contact the Maui Branch of DOFAW at (808) 984-8100.