Kīhei Charter School Transitioning from Distance Learning to Blended Learning Model

Adam Fleischer teaches a virtual lesson on democracy to his 9th grade humanities class at the Kihei Charter School, which will begin blended learning for high school students Dec. 7.
The Kīhei Charter School is transitioning from all distance learning to a blended learning model in a steady safe process that gradually adds grades to the reopening of the school campus, Head of School Michael Stubbs announced in a news release.
“Although we had hoped to reopen sooner, we elected to wait and monitor the initial impact of our island reopening for tourism,” Stubbs said. “Thankfully, after seeing no spike in COVID-19 cases, we decided to move forward and slowly reopen our campus for students.”
Children in grades K-2 began face-to-face education on campus Nov. 23. Today, grades 3,4, and 5 returned to on-campus instruction. On Dec. 7, the school will add blended learning for middle and high school students. Blended learning is a combination of face-to-face classroom instruction and on-line education.
“We have thought long and hard on how to do this, keeping the health and safety of our students in the forefront of our planning,” Stubbs said. “Our goal remains doing all we can to provide the high quality education our students deserve.”