Mālama Maui Nui Spring Cleanup Starts March 6
Mālama Maui Nui is launching its annual “Spring Cleanup,” campaign, March 6-20. Participation in the cleanup is free.
“The campaign seeks to empower Maui Nui residents in their environmental stewardship of our island community,” according to Mālama Maui Nui.
Community members and partners can participate in the campaign by registering for an Individual/Solo or Quaranteam cleanup online.
“Team Leaders choose the location, create a disposal plan and contribute data. Mālama Maui Nui provides the tools and support needed to make your cleanup a success.”
A group cleanup (“Quaranteam” of five or less people) is recommended for members of the same household or workplace. Only “Join a Team” if you’ve been invited by your Team Leader.
Individual or solo cleanups are recommended for community members at high risk for illness or who prefer an independent activity.
Organizers say that from mauka to makai, collective efforts in citizen science help to influence policy and production practices that nurture the environment in support of our global ecosystems, economy, quality of life and local culture.
Participation is free but donations are encouraged and appreciated.