Digital zoning map proposed to rezone 13 parcels consistent with their use

A proposed bill to adopt amendments to the Maui Digital Zoning Map for approximately 13 parcels that are currently zoned P-1, M-1, PK, R-2 and R-3 will be considered by the Planning and Sustainable Land Use Committee on Wednesday, May 25, at 1:30 p.m.
Councilmember Tamara Paltin who chairs the committee said, “It’s important to understand that while the digital zoning map updating process addresses minor revisions, it also proposes policy changes to rezone certain properties. These updates seek to rezone properties consistent with their use, community plan designation, and state land use designation.”
Since the early 2000’s, the Planning Department has been creating digital zoning maps for the county. These digital zoning maps were created after reviewing all known associated hardcopy and available digital information.
Utilizing Geographical Information System tools, the department digitized this information and rectified the applicable information into geospatial data. As the department created the digital maps, it noted zoning inconsistencies.
Bill 66 (2022) proposes to adopt the most recently amended Maui Digital Zoning Map (4) as the official zoning map for the Island of Maui, including graphical portrayal of zoning designations. The digital zoning maps are available online at
As part of this phase of the digital mapping project, the department recommends changing the zoning of 13 parcels to P-2 Public/Quasi Public District (P-2 District). These parcels have a community plan designation of Public/Quasi-Public.
The following parcels in map (4) are proposed to be rezoned to the P-2 District:

Paltin said the committee will also discuss the South Maui Community Plan update and proposed change in zoning for a property in Kaunakakai, Molokaʻi.
Members of the public can view the meeting on Akaku Channel 53 or provide testimony in-person or via the video conference link or phone number listed on the meeting agenda at
In addition to receiving testimony in-person, by phone or video conference, the committee will accept written testimony.
For more information, visit or contact the committee staff at 808-270-7838.