Discussion begins on South Maui CPAC selection and application process

Discussion will begin on the selection and application process for the South Maui Community Plan Advisory Committee or “CPAC” on Wednesday at the Planning and Land Use Committee meeting.
Councilmember Kelly King made the announcement saying she encourages “deep-rooted community members” residing in South Maui, who have an interest in shaping the future of development in South Maui, to consider testifying at the meeting. “Efficient planning and execution of those plans are most effective when the communities involved are active participants,” she said in a news release today.
Nine of the CPAC’s 13 members will be appointed by the council, while four will be appointed by the mayor.
Members of the public can view the meeting on Akakū Channel 53 or provide testimony via the video conference link or phone number listed on the meeting agenda at MauiCounty.us/agendas.
In addition to receiving testimony by phone or video conference, the committee will accept written and in-person testimony.
The County Charter and Chapter 2.80B, Maui County Code, direct the appointment of the CPAC for each community plan area. Committee members are appointed to provide resident input in the planning process. CPAC members provide guidance on local issues that influence the physical, social, and economic development of their community and are charged with reviewing and recommending revisions to update the Community Plan.
The South Maui Community Plan provides guidance on future development and revitalization in South Maui and guides future growth while providing recommendations for transportation systems, parks, greenways, and infrastructure. The plan is available at southmaui.wearemaui.org.