Public scoping on proposed Kīpahulu Community-Based Subsistence Fishing Area

A virtual public scoping session is planned for the proposed Kīpahulu Community-Based Subsistence Fishing Area (CBSFA), on Tuesday, June 7, 2022 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
The session is scheduled by the Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Aquatic Resources.
The proposed Kīpahulu CBSFA is from Kālepa Gulch in the southwest to Pua‘alu‘u Gulch in the northeast, and covers roughly 5.7 miles of coastline.

Proposed changes to the Hawai‘i Administrative Rules would establish:
- new bag limits
- size limits
- seasonal closures
- and/or gear restrictions for kala, ‘ōmilu, moi, kole, ‘opihi, ula and limu
- a sanctuary in Kukui Bay, where taking of all marine life would be prohibited.
The changes would also
- prohibit take while night diving and scuba spearfishing
- prohibit commercial take of akule

The public is encouraged to participate.
Interested guests can register here – Zoom link information will be sent shortly before the scoping session.
Background information is available online here: