Help fill the dumpster at Honolua Bay cleanup on June 18

The Save Honolua Coalition is hosting a cleanup of Mauiʻs Honolua Bay on Saturday, June 18, starting at 8 a.m. at the Baseyard.
The cleanup will last until the dumpster is filled.
Participants should meet at the Baseyard, located just past the surf entrance at Honolua Bay after mile marker 32 on Honoapiʻilani Highway. Check-in signs will be on the mauka side of the road.
Participants should bring:
- Close shoe toes
- water bottle
- work gloves
- hat and face mask (option but helpful when working with debris)
The Save Honolua Coalition is a nonprofit created when the community came together in a grass roots effort to save beloved Honolua from development. The 7-year campaign resulted in a historic $20 million purchase of 280 acres of Honolua to be put into a state park. Details are available on its legacy page.
Now the coalition is focused on the development on the long term management plan of the state park and direct intervention to help mitigate human impact on the ahupua’a.
To donate to the Save Honolua Coalition, go to the website.