Final EA published for Kēōkea Farm Lots Association community center

The Department of Hawaiian Home Lands has published its final Environmental Assessment with a Finding of No Significant Impact for the proposed Kēōkea Farm Lots Association Community Center in Kēōkea on Maui.
A review of the significant criteria outlined, has not identified significant adverse effects on the natural or human environment, according to the DHHL.
The Hawaiian Homes Commission evaluated the final EA and issued a FONSI determination at its July 2022 HHC meeting. The final EA and FONSI were published in the Environmental Review Program’s The Environmental Notice on Aug. 8, 2022.
In 2013, the Kēōkea Homestead Farm Lots Association received a month-to-month Right-of-Entry permit for two parcels of Hawaiian Home Lands in Kēōkea, Maui. KHFLA began developing a master plan and environmental assessment in August 2020.
As part of the planning process and due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the planning team conducted outreach to the homestead community via an online survey questionnaire. KHFLA incorporated responses from the survey results into its plans.
The KHFLA master plan includes the development of a cultural education center, native food and medicinal plant gardens, a child and senior care complex, a multipurpose community center complex, an amphitheater, and venues for small business and food vendors.
“This is an important milestone for Kēōkea Homestead Farm Lots Association,” said Deputy to the Chair Tyler Iokepa Gomes. “They are one step closer to meeting their goal of developing a community center for homesteaders by homesteaders.”
To learn more about the proposed Kēōkea Farm Lots Association Community Center and to view the final EA, visit