12 Maui beaches face high vulnerability to coastal threats from sea-level rise
A dozen beaches in Maui County have low adaptation potential to withstand impacts of sea-level rise and coastal threats, according to data compiled by the Maui County Department of Parks and Recreation.
The study covers 65 beach parks and is now available online with an interactive map showing park facilities, sea-level rise zones, flood areas, sand deposits and other features. It also identifies potential adaptive strategies for each park.
“The mapping tool is very informative for our residents as well as Department of Parks and Recreation staff,” said Mayor Michael Victorino in a press release announcing the online availability. “With climate change, we can’t begin too soon to plan for sea-level rise near Maui County’s nearshore assets.”
Three beach parks in West Maui–Launiupoko, Ukumehame, and Wahikuli Wayside Park–had the lowest adaptation potential to withstand impacts of sea level rise, based on five indicators of vulnerability.
The study outlined each indicator with the following explanation:
- Park area: A measure of park area exposed to chronic coastal flooding and land loss with 3.2 feet of sea level rise. The Sea Level Rise Exposure Area is based on projections of passive inundation, erosion, and annual high wave run-up with sea level rise.
- Timing: A measure of the timing of exposure of the park to two sea level rise projections by 2050.
- Beach migration: A measure of the availability of sand and dune material to facilitate landward beach migration and sustainability with sea level rise and provide coastal protection services.
- Park facilities: A measure of the number of structures, parking lots and major upright structures, in the park such as pavilions and restrooms exposed in the Sea Level Rise Exposure Area with 2 feet of sea level rise.
- Park access: A measure of the miles of highway and roads exposed to chronic coastal flooding and land loss with 3.2 feet of sea level rise.
The 12 beaches with low adaptation potential include the following, along with the vulnerability indicators identified for each location:
- Launiupoko Park: park area, park access, beach migration, timing.
- Ukumehame Beach Park: park area, park access, beach migration, timing.
- Wahikuli Wayside Park: park area, park access, beach migration, timing.
- Honokōwai Beach Park: park area, beach migration, timing.
- Hoʻokipa: park facilities, beach migration, timing.
- Kamehameha Brick Palace (former building site) near Lahaina Harbor: park area, beach migration, timing.
- Mai Poina ‘Oe la’u Memorial Park: park area, park access, timing.
- Paukūkalo Beach Park: park area, beach migration, timing.
- Pōhaku Park: park area, beach migration, timing.
- Puamana Park: park area, beach migration, timing.
- Hanakaʻōʻō Beach: park area, timing.
- Kalepolepo Park South: park area, timing.
There were 39 beaches that fell into the medium or yellow adaptation potential category, and 14 that had a low or green adaptation potential, according to the data.
Maui County residents can now review online a study of sea-level rise and other coastal threats to 65 beach parks and adaptation strategies for each park by visiting https://www.mauicounty.gov/BPVAStudy.
The project is ongoing and the website will be updated as future phases are completed. Parks included in the study are:
- “Duke” Maliu Regional Park
- Charley Young Park
- Charley Young Park Parking Lot
- D.T. Fleming Park
- HA Baldwin Park
- Hālawa Park
- Hāna Beach Park
- Hanakaʻōʻō Park
- Helene Hall
- Hoaloha Park
- Honokōwai Park
- Honomanū Park
- Hoʻokipa Park
- Kahananui Village Park
- Kahekili Beach Park
- Kakahaia Park
- Kalama Park, Cove Park
- Kalepolepo Park (North)
- Kalepolepo Park (South)
- Kamaʻole I
- Kamaʻole I & II Parking Lot
- Kamaʻole II
- Kamaʻole III
- Kamaʻole Point
- Kamehameha Brick Palace
- Kamehameha Iki
- Kanahā Beach Park
- Kaonoulu Park
- Kaunakakai Lighthouse Park
- Keʻanae Park
- Keawakapu Beach Park Parking Lot
- Kenolio Park
- Keōpūolani Regional Park (Maui Arts & Cultural Center)
- Keōpūolani Regional Park (Maui Botanical Gardens, YMCA)
- Kūʻau Bay Beach Park (Blue Tile)
- Lahaina Civic Center
- Lahaina Courthouse Park
- Launiupoko Open Space Park
- Launiupoko Park
- Māʻalaea Haycraft Park
- Mai Poina ‘Oe la’u
- Mākena Landing
- Mālama Cultural Park
- Malu Ulu O Lele Park
- One Aliʻi Park
- Palauea Beach Park
- Papalaua Wayside Park
- Pāpōhaku Beach Park
- Paukūkalo Beach Park
- Paukūkalo Wetlands
- Pauwela Lighthouse
- Pōhaku Beach Park
- Polo Beach Park
- Poʻolenalena Park
- Puamana Park
- South Maluaka Beach Park
- Ukumehame Beach Park
- Ukumehame Firing Range
- Ulua Mokapu Beach Park
- Veterans of Foreign War (VFW) Hall
- Wahikuli Wayside Park
- Waiehu Beach Park
- Waiehu Golf Course
- Wailea Beach Park
- Waipuilani Park