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Seabury Hall first school in Hawaiʻi to train all students in hands-only CPR

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Seabury Hall students were trained in hands-only CPR during “Seabury’s Got Heart,” a school-wide training from Feb. 6 to 10 on its Makawao campus.

With this training, Seabury Hall became the first school in Hawaiʻi to train all students in hands-only CPR, the school said in a press release.

  • Seabury Hall on Maui became the first school in Hawai’i to teach all its students hands-only CPR. Photo Courtesy: Seabury Hall
  • Students at Seabury Hall on Maui learned hands-only CPR. Photo Courtesy: Seabury Hall
  • Students at Seabury Hall on Maui learned hands-only CPR. Photo Courtesy: Seabury Hall
  • Students at Seabury Hall on Maui learned hands-only CPR. Photo Courtesy: Seabury Hall

Gordon Gillis and Jenny Worth of the American Red Cross led the training. They showed students in grades 5 through 12 how to respond in the event of a cardiac emergency.

“Every year around 37 million 911 calls are made and only 8% of people who experience a cardiac emergency outside of a hospital survive,” said Mansa Devaki, a senior at Seabury Hall and student organizer. “We want to help improve the rate of survival by having our student body trained to perform hands-only CPR in case we find ourselves in a situation where someone needs our help.”


The training was spread over five mornings and was supplemented with videos, online quizzes created by Seabury students, and activities reinforcing heart health and emergency response.

Maui Fire Department firefighters, community Red Cross volunteers and Seabury Hall Red Cross Club members were also present at each training event to assist in technique and instruction.

“I am incredibly proud of how our students have embraced ‘Seabury’s Got Heart’ and their passion to make our community a safer place by going through this training,” Head of School Maureen Madden said. “Our students specifically chose to have the Red Cross come this week so they would be ready to go into our annual Winterm, a week of off-campus learning in the community, equipped with the knowledge and skills to help their friends, families and strangers in the event of an emergency.”


According to, hands-only CPR is the recommended form of cardio pulmonary resuscitation. It increases the likelihood of surviving breathing and cardiac emergencies that occur outside of medical settings and is simple to learn and easy to remember.

For more information on Red Cross training, please visit:


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