AARP Hawaiʻi urges residents to prepare for hurricane season with free webinar, June 1
As hurricane season begins, AARP Hawaiʻi is urging residents to create or update their emergency plans and disaster kits.
Recognizing the importance of preparedness, especially for older adults and caregivers, AARP Hawaiʻi is organizing a free webinar titled “Prepare Your Home for Hurricane Season.”
The webinar, scheduled for June 1 at 10 a.m., aims to equip participants with essential knowledge and strategies to safeguard themselves, their families, and their homes in the face of hurricanes or other natural disasters.
It is especially important that kupuna and caregivers who take care of older adults be prepared before a storm or other disaster strikes.
Dennis Hwang, lead author of the Homeowner’s Handbook to Prepare for Natural Hazards, will lead the webinar, which is aimed at teaching participants what they can do today, ahead of a major storm, to prepare themselves, their families and their homes for survival of a hurricane or other natural disaster.
To register and get a Zoom link to the webinar, visit the AARP website here.