Free program for UH Maui College students pursuing Health Sciences degrees
Applications are now being accepted for the 2023-2024 Kealaho’imai Health Sciences Academic Preparation program at the University of Hawaiʻi Maui College.
In its second year, the Health Sciences Academic Preparation program offers free courses commonly required as prerequisites for health sciences degrees including math, biology, human anatomy and physiology plus lab, microbiology plus lab, and pharmacology coursework. Free textbooks and tutoring are also provided.
Courses will be offered either in-person or online throughout UH Maui College’s fall 2023 and spring 2024 semesters.
The goal of the Health Sciences Academic Preparation program is to reduce financial barriers as well as provide academic support for students who are at the beginning of their educational journey to earn any health sciences degree such as nursing, dental hygiene, radiologic technology, physical therapy assistant, medical assisting, medicine, and pharmacy.
This free opportunity is sponsored by Hui No Ke Ola Pono’s Kealahoʻimai program, which promotes Native Hawaiian workforce development in the healthcare and wellness industries.
In order to qualify for the Health Sciences Academic Preparation program, applicants must be high school graduates, meet course prerequisites and/or corequisites, and be pursuing entry into a health sciences degree program. The deadline to apply online is Aug. 7, 2023.
Further information is available at or via email to