Permanent speed limit reduction announced for part of Haleakalā Highway
The state Department of Transportation has announced a speed limit reduction for part of the Haleakalā Highway. Speed is being reduced from 55 mph to 45 mph in the northbound direction in the vicinity of the North Firebreak Road Intersection near the Hāna Highway, between mile 0.20 and 0.70.
Transportation officials say the purpose of the speed reduction is to provide a manageable and consistent speed limit for this section on its approach to the Hāna Highway intersection.
The intersection contains crosswalks, merge areas, and its multimodal use includes pedestrians and bicyclists. According to the department, the reduction in speed limit will provide a smoother transition, allowing motorists to reduce their speed incrementally from 45 mph to the 35 mph limit established for the Haleakalā Highway and Hāna Highway intersection approach.
The speed limit signs will be changed by Thursday, July 6, and the new speed limit will be effective as soon as work is finished.
Motorists are reminded to follow all traffic control signs when traveling to their destination.