HIDOE distance learning hub to open in Lahaina next week

Two additional learning hubs in the works for West Maui students
The Hawaiʻi State Department of Education will be offering a distance learning hub for K-8 Lahaina students starting Tuesday, Sept. 19, 2023 at Citizen Church located at 4275 Hine Way in Lahaina. The learning hub will provide distance learning students with in-person opportunities for teacher support and peer socialization, as well as access to meals, recess, social-emotional learning and other resources.
The hub is open to King Kamehameha III Elementary, Princess Nāhiʻenaʻena Elementary and Lahaina Intermediate students already enrolled in distance learning or who want to enroll in distance learning. To apply, visit bit.ly/DLHubApply.
There is capacity for a total of approximately 270 students per grade-level session. Registered students will be considered based on available space for grade levels. Students who are enrolled in asynchronous distance learning (flexible, self-paced schedule for accessing lessons and assignments) will be grouped together by grade level daily.
Grade levels will report to the learning hub based on the following schedule:

All students will be issued a laptop that will go home each day with students to continue assignments at home. Families will be responsible for the student’s transportation.
For more information, view the flyers below or contact the Distance Learning Hub staff at 808- 866-8432 or by email: MauiDLhub@k12.hi.us.
The Department is planning to offer two additional learning hubs in West Maui, one for high-needs special education students and another for Kaiapuni Hawaiian language immersion K-8 students. Families are being contacted directly for the special needs hub. Details on the Kaiapuni hub will be announced once plans are finalized.