Hawai‘i Democrats seek a ‘just recovery’ for Lahaina

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House Finance Committee site visit to Kamehameha III Elementary School (10.26.23) PC: County of Maui

The State Central Committee of the Democratic Party of Hawai‘i unanimously adopted a resolution on Saturday in support of a “just recovery” for the people and community of Lahaina.

The resolution urges the state’s elected leaders in the legislature and executive branch to take
steps to ensure transparency and equity in the recovery process. Specifically, the resolution
calls on:

  • Chairpersons of legislative working groups and subject matter committees to hold public hearings to protect the voice of the Lahaina community in the process;
  • The governor and lawmakers to create a relief package for impacted residents and businesses using the state’s rainy day fund;
  • The state legislature to exempt unemployment income received by impacted workers who have lost their jobs; and
  • Governor Green to amend the emergency proclamation related to the Maui wildfires to include a moratorium on foreclosures, evictions, and rent increases for displaced families.
PC: Justin Hughey

The resolution was authored by Maui resident Justin Hughey who was teaching at King Kamehameha III school before it burned down in the Aug. 8 fire. Hughey is one of two representatives to the SCC for the Democratic Party of Hawai‘i’s Education Caucus.


The SCC is the statewide governing body of the Democratic Party of Hawai‘i, representing each of the state’s counties, senate districts, and party caucuses. The SCC adopted the resolution by acclamation (with no objections).


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