Angels on Assignment, a new support program for Maui cancer patients, takes flight

“Angels on Assignment” is a new, volunteer-based program launched by Maui Cancer Resources to support Maui cancer patients as they get through chemotherapy or radiation treatment.
“Although Angels has been in existence a little over a month, we are finding ways to help and support those with cancer,” said Dr. Bridget Bongaard, medical director.
The program is funded through a generous donation from 100 Women Who Care Maui.
On March 28, Angel volunteers made 20 yarn lei that were delivered to the Maui Health Oncology Department to present to cancer patients when they complete their chemotherapy or radiation treatment. Each lei carried a special uplifting card to let patients know they are supported and loved. Angels has committed to provide 20 lei each month.
The Angels group is also creating Cancer Care Bags for patients in treatment. In each bag, a cancer patient will find a blanket, socks, lotion, mints, a journal, colored pencils with a sharpener and mandalas coloring pages plus crossword puzzles.
On April 6, Makawao Montessori School students and another child and their mothers joined Dr. Bongaard and other Angel volunteers at her house to put together the Angel’s first 25 Cancer Care Bags as part of their school project.
Adults and youths are welcomed and appreciated for volunteering. Anyone interested in volunteer opportunities as an Angel, or to donate funds for needed supplies on the Amazon Gift Registry, contact Cassie Pali at