Animal control ordered for protection of native palila habitat on Hawaiʻi Island

The state Department of Land and Natural Resources’ Division of Forestry and Wildlife will conduct animal control activities for feral goats, feral sheep, mouflon, and mouflon/feral sheep hybrids in an effort to protect critical habitat for the endemic palila bird on Hawaiʻi Island.
Aerial shooting as part of the animal control effort is required for compliance with the federal court order mandating the removal of sheep and goats from the area.
The habitat includes portions of the Maunakea Forest Reserve (Unit A), Maunakea Ice Age Natural Area Reserve (Unit K), Palila Mitigation Lands, and the Ka‘ohe Game Management Area (Unit G) on Hawai‘i Island.
Animal control activities can include trapping, ground and/or aerial shooting.
Control work is scheduled for May 14-15, 2024.
Public access to Maunakea Forest Reserve, Mauna Kea Ice Age Natural Area Reserve, Palila Mitigation Lands, the Ka‘ohe Game Management Area, and Maunakea Hunter Access Road will be restricted and allowed by permit only for animal salvage purposes on the following dates:
- 7 a.m. May 14, 2024,
- 6 a.m. May 15, 2024.
Additional details regarding meat salvage or access permits can be directed to the DOFAW Hilo office.