Maui Planning Commission to hear further public testimony on Ledcor Maui draft EIS

A project to build as many as 975 homes, including workforce housing, in the master-planned Wailea Resort community and a neighboring lot in Kīhei has begun drawing fire from opponents who say the Ledcor South Maui project’s draft environmental impact statement is inadequate.
Public testimony before the Maui Planning Commission began April 23 and continued until that meeting was recessed. The meeting will reconvene at 9:05 a.m. Tuesday, May 14. The in-person meeting will be at the County of Maui Service Center, Suite 212A Conference Room, 110 `Ala`ihi St., in Kahului. The hearing also will be accessible remotely via video conferencing via Webex.
The meeting ID number is 2662 162 7914, and its password is m6J9p3fn579.
In written testimony, Kīhei Community Association President Charlene Schulenburg said that, prior to occupancy of any private development, a new escape route is needed out of South Maui. She pointed to draft South Maui Community Plan policy statement that says the road should be a two-lane collector road from East Lipoa Street (Lipoa Parkway) to the Maui Veterans Highway with a minimum 100-foot right-of-way.
“After the devastating fire in Lahaina, we are reviewing the DEIS through the lens of increased awareness of the critical needs of our residents and visitors alike,” she wrote. “These vital needs include a new emergency escape route out of Kīhei, Wailea and Mākena; diverse housing types that are affordable for our residents at all income levels; adequate infrastructure including roads, sidewalks and bike lanes that will allow safe and complete passage at all times for all modalities; protection of our vital resources including potable water, ocean water, floodways, and open space as well as respect for our archaeological and cultural history.”
Schulenburg also said that all of the project’s affordable housing should be in the resort community, instead of housing credits or off-site locations.
“The draft EIS fails to adequately address this issue,” she said. “Where are the specifics addressing the quantity and location of units for affordable housing?”
Bud Pikrone, general manager of the Wailea Community Association, said Ledcor supports the Wailea community’s desire for pedestrian improvements such as sidewalks providing connectivity and lighted crosswalks for improved safety.
He also applauded Ledcor’s commitment to providing a fair share of improvements to Piʻilani Highway at Kilohana Drive.
“The proposed improvement at the intersection of Piʻilani and Kilohana would relieve the afternoon backlog” of traffic, he said. “And our community is excited to see the fire prevention measures being taken in Wailea and the assistance of Ledcor to take the lead with their properties and opening up lines of communication with Honua’ula for their assistance.”
The draft environmental impact statement for the project was published Feb. 23.
Although zoned for 2,137 residential units, the Ledcor Maui develop proposes building only up to 975 homes. Plans call for a mix of single-family and multifamily residential communities on eight properties. Required workforce housing, parks, open spaces, amenities and pedestrian paths will also be part of the new communities, according to the draft document.
Commercial and short-term rental uses are not included in project plans. The environmental study maintains that the project’s proposed uses are consistent with the Maui Island Plan and the current and proposed South Maui community plans.
Public comment on the draft EIS has been extended to May 23. Comments should be sent to The Final EIS must include comments from both comment periods, so comments previously submitted do not have to be sent again.
The project represents the last components of Wailea’s master plan, which began in 1973.
Editor’s note: This post has been updated to include the extension of the draft EIS public comment period to May 23.