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Free AARP webinars teach people of all ages how to plan for retirement

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Retirement calculator. PC: AARP Hawaiʻi

AARP Hawaiʻi is empowering longer lifespans through a series of free one-hour webinars that help people plan for retirement. These webinars will be happening via Zoom each Saturday starting June 22 through July 13.

Topics of the “Think of Your Future” webinars range from Social Security to Medicare to investing for retirement and tips about how to avoid running out of money if you live to be 100.

Participants can register for free at for one or more of the sessions and get a Zoom link. Individuals do not need to be an AARP member or of AARP age to participate. The webinars are aimed at people who are about ten years from retirement, but anyone of any age thinking about retirement will benefit from the teachings.


The schedule is as follows. All webinars start at 10 a.m. and end at 11 a.m.:

  • June 22: Retirement Planning for the Long Haul
  • June 29: Investing for Retirement – Make Your Money Last
  • July 6: Understand Social Security Retiree and Family Benefits
  • July 13: Medicare Basics

The workshops are facilitated by AARP volunteers. No individual financial advice will be given and no products or services will be promoted or sold.

“AARP wants people to have solid, fact-based information to help them plan for retirement,” said Jackie Boland, AARP Hawaiʻi community outreach director, “The younger you are when you start planning, the better off you’ll be. But no matter what your age, a little bit of knowledge goes a long way toward planning for the life you want to live after you stop working full time.”


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