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Troublemaker seal sent to remote island due to public safety concern

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Hawaiian monk seal RL72 on Hawaiʻi Island. Credit: The Marine Mammal Center

Hawaiian monk seal RL72 is on route to Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument, in a safety-related translocation effort, NOAA Fisheries reported on Friday. The 5-year-old male seal is traveling with field staff to Kamole, also known as Laysan Island, where he’ll join the current estimated population of more than 200 Hawaiian monk seals.

RL72’s move was prompted by a pattern of escalating underwater interactions with divers and snorkelers off the west coast of Hawaiʻi Island. NOAA Fisheries received initial reports of the seal approaching divers and nipping fins and dive equipment in the Makako Bay area in December 2023. The reports included an incident in which RL72 bit a diver on the head (non-serious injury). NOAA Fisheries reviewed footage of that incident and did not observe any indication the diver had been interacting with the seal or provoked the bite in any way. RL72’s behavior was very concerning, and cause for potential intervention.

To Move or Not to Move

Three Hawaiian monk seals lie together on Kamole (Laysan Island). Credit: NOAA Fisheries/Calla Lloyd-Lim

A careful and thorough risk assessment was conducted to identify if a potential intervention was necessary for RL72. NOAA Fisheries actively monitored the seal to determine whether a move was necessary for the seal’s long-term welfare and for public safety. They established serious behavior triggers that prompted intervention, including behavior that posed a risk of serious injury or drowning to humans.


NOAA Fisheries also worked closely with partners to provide guidance on what to do if RL72 approached people underwater. They stressed backing away from the seal, not engaging him from any distance, and exiting the water if RL72 was present. They hoped that RL72 would lose interest in people and instead interact with other seals.

Unfortunately, RL72’s interactive behavior with ocean users increased and escalated. He continued to follow ocean users during the day and at night, biting gear, nipping at arms, and attempting to mount scuba divers. Multiple videos surfaced of divers ignoring and swimming away from RL72 when the seal approached, but of RL72 pursuing, biting at dive gear and attempting to mount them. In one instance, RL72 mounted and held onto a diver during a daytime dive. In another instance, RL72 bit a snorkeler on the back, deep enough to penetrate their wetsuit and cause a puncture injury.

Taken together, the combination of RL72 holding onto people underwater and biting unprovoked presented the risk of seriously injuring or drowning people and prompted intervention.


Hawaiʻi Island partner Marine Mammal Center collected RL72 when conditions aligned on Tuesday, June 4. The Center’s trained responders from its hospital Ke Kai Ola successfully and safely collected RL72.

RL72 will join a previously scheduled departing vessel and make a 2-day journey to the Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument.

“We believe that in this remote location—away from people and surrounded by many more monk seals than at Hawaiʻi Island—RL72 has the greatest chance at returning to normal wild seal behaviors,” officials with NOAA Fisheries said.

Help monk seals stay wild by always:

  • Maintaining a distance of at least 50 feet at all times (150 feet from moms with pups)
  • Moving away if a seal approaches you
  • Exiting the water if a seal pursues you
  • Keeping food sources to yourself

Spearfishers: Learn about extra tips for you.

You can also protect these native seals by calling the NOAA Marine Wildlife Hotline, 888-256-9840, to report:

  • Monk seal sightings
  • Injured, stranded, or dead seals
  • Seal interaction incidents
  • Suspected illegal behavior toward seals

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