Maui Activities

Paddle Imua returns for 13th year as part of the Koa Kai Triple Crown

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  • Paddle Imua returns for its 13th Year as part of the Koa Kai Triple Crown. PC: courtesy
  • Paddle Imua returns for its 13th Year as part of the Koa Kai Triple Crown. PC: courtesy
  • Paddle Imua returns for its 13th Year as part of the Koa Kai Triple Crown. PC: courtesy
  • Paddle Imua returns for its 13th Year as part of the Koa Kai Triple Crown. PC: courtesy
  • Paddle Imua returns for its 13th Year as part of the Koa Kai Triple Crown. PC: courtesy

Imua Family Services has announced its 13th annual Paddle Imua, scheduled to take place on Sunday, July 14, 2024. This year’s paddle race event also kicks off the Koa Kai Triple Crown, a three-part FOIL series showcasing three classic downwind courses linking the islands of Maui, Molokaʻi and Oʻahu.

Paddle Imua aims to raise funds for Imua Family Services’ Camp Imua program—a 48-year-old Maui tradition that provides a week-long recreational summer camp experience for children with special needs.

In the spirit of inclusion, Paddle Imua welcomes a wide range of disciplines, including OC1, OC2, OC6, stand-up paddle (SUP), prone paddleboard, surf ski, SUP FOIL, kiting, windsurfing, prone FOIL, and wing FOIL. Registration is strongly encouraged, as race organizers report the event is nearing capacity. Event and registration information for Paddle Imua may be found at

  • Paddle Imua returns for its 13th Year as part of the Koa Kai Triple Crown. PC: courtesy
  • Paddle Imua returns for its 13th Year as part of the Koa Kai Triple Crown. PC: courtesy
  • Paddle Imua returns for its 13th Year as part of the Koa Kai Triple Crown. PC: courtesy
  • Paddle Imua returns for its 13th Year as part of the Koa Kai Triple Crown. PC: courtesy
  • Paddle Imua returns for its 13th Year as part of the Koa Kai Triple Crown. PC: courtesy

“Over the past 13 years, we’ve spread awareness of Paddle Imua and the organization’s message across the globe,” said Anne-Marie Reichman-Totah, Paddle Imua committee chairperson. “For 2024 alone, we’ve already registered participants from as far as Australia, Canada, the Netherlands, Spain, Japan, New Caledonia, Brazil, France, Puerto Rico, French Polynesia, and Portugal, not to mention numerous racers traveling from other islands and the continental US. We are excited to bring together so many local and visiting ocean athletes in support of the children and families of Camp Imua.”

As the initial race of the Koa Kai Triple Crown, Paddle Imua commences along the famous Māliko Run, racing an 8-mile course to Kanahā Beach in support of Camp Imua. Check-in commences at 10 a.m. at Māliko Gulch, with the race set to begin promptly at 1 p.m. Awards will be presented to the top three finishers in each division.

Each registered racer will be greeted at the finish with a fresh flower lei, lunch provided by Aloha Mixed Plate, a special Mahalo Swag Bag packed with sponsor products and a Paddle Imua event T-shirt.


All involved will gather with friends and family at the post-event ʻOhana Festival hosted at Kanahā Beach Park. “The ʻOhana Festival is truly the highlight of Paddle Imua,” said Dean Wong, executive director at Imua Family Services. “It is the culmination of a great cause, epic paddle conditions, and an authentic community-driven festival which wraps up the event nicely at the finish line.”

While the Paddle Imua race is limited to registered athletes, the ʻOhana Festival is a free event open to the public. In addition to lively entertainment and delectable local food vendors, the festival features a lucky draw, with donations benefiting Camp Imua, as well as a fun ocean relay course where campers, ocean athletes and friends from Pāʻia Youth & Cultural Center will team up to conquer the waves. Free activities for children, including lei making and Grom Camp, will also be available.

Sponsors include: Alaska Airlines, Athletic Brewing Co. (title sponsor), Maui Health, Minit Medical Urgent Care, Pacific Media Group, Pasha Hawaii, Stable Road Capital, Aloha Mixed Plate, Armstrong Foils, Big Wave Realty, CDF Engineering, De Silva Meeting Consultants, Inc., Deep2Peak, Humu Surf, Laird Superfood, LivOn Labs, Mananalu water, Naish, Pauwela Beverage Co., Total Project Construction Management, and Zadoc Brown Jr.


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