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Community meeting July 2 on proposed Kahekili Highway slope repair project

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Kahekili Highway in the vicinity of Milepost 15 is a narrow, fragile portion of County roadway that connects Kahakuloa and West Maui. PC: County of Maui

Community members are encouraged to attend a July 2, 2024, meeting on proposed road and slope repairs along Kahekili Highway in the vicinity of Mile 15 – a narrow, fragile portion of roadway that connects Kahakuloa and West Maui. The community meeting will be held from 5 to 7 p.m. Tuesday, July 2, at Waikapū Community Center, 22 E. Waikō Road, Waikapū, according to the County of Maui Department of Public Works.

Because Kahekili Highway near Milepost 15 is the only connection between Kahakuloa and West Maui via the northwest coast of the island, the County of Maui is prioritizing the stabilization of the one-lane road for residents and emergency responders who depend on the route. 

DPW’s July 2 meeting will include a presentation on the project background, proposed improvements and anticipated timeline, followed by a feedback session where participants may view project maps, ask questions of the project team and provide written feedback.


Kahekili Highway in the vicinity of Milepost 15 is a narrow, 8-foot- to 10.5-foot-wide road that descends into Waihali Valley. Shoulders are absent on much of the roadway’s makai edge that has steep drop-offs and little support to easily expand the road structure. On the mauka side, there are high and steeply sloped cut banks that also limit options to widen the road.

July’s meeting follows a January meeting with Kahakuloa residents who have intimate knowledge of the area. During the meeting, input was sought from residents on proposed design options and developing a road closure plan during construction that would best suit the needs of the community due to severe space limitations along this stretch of Kahekili Highway.

Kahekili Highway in the vicinity of Milepost 15 is a narrow, fragile portion of County roadway that connects Kahakuloa and West Maui. PC: County of Maui

If special accommodations are needed, contact Charlene Shibuya of the County DPW Engineering Division office at 808-270-7745.  For general County DPW information, visit


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