Maui Activities

Hoʻokipa Maui event successfully reconnects guest service professionals with in-destination experiences

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  • Private Stargazing Tours at the Hoʻokipa Maui event. PC: courtesy Maui Visitors & Convention Bureau
  • Kapalua Ziplines at the Hoʻokipa Maui event. PC: courtesy Maui Visitors & Convention Bureau
  • Dive Maui at the Hoʻokipa Maui event. PC: courtesy Maui Visitors & Convention Bureau
  • Teralani Sailing Adventures at the Hoʻokipa Maui event. PC: courtesy Maui Visitors & Convention Bureau
  • Hoʻokipa Maui event. PC: courtesy Maui Visitors & Convention Bureau

The Hoʻokipa Maui event brought together more than 100 guest service professionals and 80 local businesses at the Sheraton Maui Resort & Spa on May 23. The event aimed to strengthen connections within Maui’s tourism industry.

It was presented by the Maui Visitors & Convention Bureau and A3H (Activities and Attractions Association of Hawaii), with support from Blue Hawaiian Activities, Sheraton Maui Resort & Spa, Lahaina Action Committee, Aqualani Beach and Ocean Recreation and the Hawaiʻi Tourism Authority.

Hoʻokipa, meaning “hospitality” in Hawaiian, embodies the essence of welcoming and caring for guests with warmth and generosity. This event was designed to reflect this spirit, ensuring that Maui’s guest service professionals are well-equipped to provide exceptional experiences to visitors.


Recent years, particularly 2023, have presented significant challenges for Maui’s tourism sector, including severe volatility along with rising marketing challenges and costs for small businesses. The Hoʻokipa Maui Event was conceived to address these challenges by providing a platform where guest service professionals could receive accurate and up-to-date information about the island’s diverse experiential offerings, from activities and tours to attractions, restaurants, and services.

Pāʻia Floral and Kanuihele at the Hoʻokipa Maui event. PC: courtesy Maui Visitors & Convention Bureau

The event featured an industry tradeshow format designed to facilitate meaningful in-person networking between Maui’s in-destination experience providers and guest service professionals. The goal was to enhance the quality of vacation experiences for Maui’s visitors through more knowledgeable and effective guidance from guest service professionals. It was also intended to provide to showcase the vast diversity of Mauiʻs experiences and offerings for visitors.

“We extend our heartfelt thanks to all the participants and supporters who made this event possible. Your involvement and enthusiasm were instrumental in its success,” organizers said.


“By facilitating these vital connections, the Hoʻokipa Maui Event aimed to support the small businesses that form the backbone of Maui’s tourism economy. The event also sought to ensure that every visitor to Maui enjoys a high-quality, memorable vacation experience, fostering positive word-of-mouth and encouraging future travel to the island. The event buzzed with positive energy as attendees eagerly networked, discovered new experiences, and formed genuine connections. The atmosphere was electric with excitement as people met new faces and rekindled old friendships, creating a vibrant and engaging environment,” according to representatives with the Maui Visitors and Convention Bureau.

Tihati Productions at the Hoʻokipa Maui event. PC: courtesy Maui Visitors & Convention Bureau

Sherry Duong, Executive Director, Maui Visitors and Convention Bureau said, “We deeply appreciate the opportunity to be such an integral part of the Hoʻokipa Maui event, helping to facilitate the rekindling of connections between our Maui community businesses and guest service professionals. I am grateful for the hard work of the organizing committee and the enthusiasm and eagerness of the participants and attendees. These types of events are vital to building back Maui’s tourism economy.”

“It was a privilege to be a part of the planning committee and facilitate this vital event for our community. It was exciting and energizing to see everything come together. The high energy, lively conversations, and gratitude expressed by both the participants and attendees were beyond our expectations. It was definitely a team effort, and we’re grateful for all the organizations and individuals who not only participated but also supported the event,” said Janet Kuwahara, Senior Manager of Operations, Maui Visitors and Convention Bureau.

Maui Brewing Co. at the Hoʻokipa Maui event. PC: courtesy Maui Visitors & Convention Bureau

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